Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My First Blog Entry - All About Me (sort of)

Since Nik and I have moved to Cincinnati, we've planted a garden, gone on trips, have continued to cook a lot, and I, of course, have continued to bake. When we planted the garden, I thought that we should track the progress and what we learned along the way since it was our first garden and, let's face it, we're going to make mistakes. But, the tracking didn't happen. And we went on to build another garden box and planted a fall garden. Our fall garden we planted entirely from seeds and I have taken a few pictures to track the growing progression. I'll include pictures talk more about that in another posting.

Today's entry, my first (!) is about my new (to me) car. I gave away my beloved 1997 Geo Prizm to my Uncle before moving to Cincinnati. At that point, I didn't have a job but knew I wanted to buy a new car once I found a job. Fortunately, I found my job very quickly, but it ended up being in Northern Kentucky, a 20 mile, one-way trip. Needless to say, Nik wasn't too fond of me putting 200 miles a week on his car. Nik did buy a new scooter shortly after we moved here, but we both knew it would be too cold for him to ride it in the winter. So, I began saving and researching cars. I decided I wanted a Prius (big surprise), and continued to do my research to find a good deal. I finally found one in August, and making that decision to commit to that car was probably the most stressful, scary decision I've made in my life. But, I'm very happy with my choice and now you can follow my car's life on!


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